Tactile Icon Map

HALOS Tactile Icon Text Description
Microwave Oven Controls for GE Model JVM3162DJ3WW
This document is a description of the tactile icons used for your appliance. Each button on the control panel is represented by a tactile icon.
The control panel has 7 rows. Starting with the top row, each row of tactile icons will be described from left to right.
Top row.
Popcorn – the shape is curvy and bulbous, like a popcorn kernel.
Beverage – the shape is like a tea cup, wider at the top with an indent in the top middle, narrower at the bottom and a little bump on the right side representing the handle.
Potato – the shape is a wide oval with a rough top, like a baked potato.
Row 2.
Reheat – the shape is a line with a downward curve at the right end, like something coming back around.
Defrost – the shape is like a water droplet, pointy on the top and circular on the bottom.
Cook time – the shape is wide at the top, narrow in the middle and wide on the bottom, like an hourglass. There is an indent on the top edge to represent a degree symbol and to distinguish this from the kitchen timer button.
Row 3.
Numbers 1,2,3 – the shapes are circles
Timer on/off – the shape is wide at the top, narrow in the middle and wide on the bottom, like an hourglass.
Row 4.
Numbers 4,5,6 – the shapes are circles. The 5 is a thicker circle.
Turntable – the shape is a horizontal line, like a plate, with a knob on the bottom center.
Row 5.
Numbers 7,8,9 – the shapes are circles.
Surface Light – the shape is like a traditional light bulb, a circle at the top with a thick rounded vertical line at the bottom.
Row 6.
Power Level – the shape is a stairstep increasing to the right, representing increasing levels
Number 0 – the shape is a circle.
Set Clock – the shape is a circle with a wedge cutout in the upper right, representing a clock face.
Vent Fan – the shape has three equally spaced blades extending out from a center point, like a rotating fan.
Row 7.
Cancel – the shape is an X.
Start – the shape is a right pointing triangle.
Add 30 Seconds – the shape is a plus or cross symbol, a vertical line intersecting a horizontal line.
End of Microwave Description
Designer Comments
This is a common microwave feature set. GE likes to use this set but move the buttons around. This layout is for a 2021 microwave and I think it is fairly logical.
This is the third iteration of the beverage tactile icon. It is OK. The dip in the top is the most distinguishing feature. The original icon was a square mug with a handle but the shape was too generic.
The vent icon is visually nice though not sure it is a good tactile feel. Needs more testing.
Cook time vs. timer on/off. The timer shape is a solid tactile icon and is one of the originals. The notch on the top of the cook time is supposed to distinguish it from the timer. I like it because it represents a degree symbol for temperature. I am open to other ideas.